Five Types of Kettlebell Exercises That You Must Try Right Now

Five Types of Kettlebell Exercises That You Must Try Right Now

(photo source: muscle and fitness)

There are so many ways to lose weight. There are different kinds of exercises that you can do in order to burn those fats. Some even undergo surgeries to achieve the body that they want but there is one gym equipment that you can use in order to melt those stubborn fats away. Kettlebells are just one of the many gym equipment that truly works for everyone. Many people will tell you it’s dangerous but it’s not as dangerous as what they think. You just have to know how to properly use it in order to achieve your full fitness potential.

If you wanna know the types of kettlebell exercises that you can do, see below:

  1. The Turkish Get-Up

(photo source: men’s journal)

This exercise is not just for Turkish people. The Turkish Get-up may seem complicated at first but it is just actually eary. All you have to do is raise your legs simultaneously and once you feel the pain, it means you’re progressing. Also begin lying on the mat and start raising the kettlebell with your hand. You will surely achieve great results!

  1. The Deadlift

(photo source: pop sugar)

Deadlift is probably one of the most efficient, worthy and effective kettlebell exercise. A lot of people find the name scary but there’s really nothing to worry about as it’s an exercise that has been proven to have helped a lot of people achieve their ideal weight. It won’t really cause you too much effort because it’s just easy to do. You just have to to hold a kettlebell in your right hand and lift up your left foot. You will surely be satisfied once you start seeing the result of your hard work.

  1. The Squat

(photo source: pop sugar)

If you are familiar with squats then this exercise will just be easy for you. Kettlebell squat is just a squat exercise while holding the kettlebell. Here’s how to do it: Just hold the kettlebell using both of your hands and raise them upwards while you are standing and squatting. You will surely have a more stronger core and great body posture.

  1. The Windmill

(photo source: Best Kettlebell Workout)

Take note of this: in doing this exercise, you have to simultaneously pull down your body from left to right while you are slowly throwing punches mid-air. Give out your best effort and you will succeed in your fitness goal. This is probably one of the hardest kettlebell exercises but it’s really really worth it!

  1. The Squat and Swing

(photo source: aguirre fitness)

The Squat and Swing is just like the Kettlebell squat but in a more advanced level. You just have to squat and lift the kettlebell in an up and down motion and you will surely feel the pain in your body. Just endure the pain and you will surely achieve your dream body.

Author Bio: Mark Aldrin Hipolito is a writer for FitBiz, one of Australia’s top gym equipment providers that has a wide selection of high quality equipment. Mark writes to help people in their fitness goals and achieve them accordingly.

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