What Does Commercial Advertising Production Companies Do?

What Does Commercial Advertising Production Companies Do?

The entire landscape has changed for the commercial advertisement making companies in the past couple of years. Lately the conventional model which largely revolved around making the video shoots be organized easily, went through massive change. Now brands or advertising agencies get the creative scripts ready, have it checked by the client, get them edited and then rechecked with client; before finally getting it signed off by client to commence shooting. Hence, if seen closely, the commercial ads production companies usually follow a production pattern.

  1. Process: The first stage of tvs advertising or first step towards making a commercial advertisement is to initiate everything once the client gives a contract to do the needful. Here the business associate would receive the client brief, give it to the content creator, then a script if not given by the client, will be prepared. It will then be explained to the client. If the client is happy with the script then the team is to be assembled quickly.

  2. Teams: Team usually is in-house, which consists of screen-writer, director, videographer, photographer, cameraman, sound technician, video-editor, photo-editor. At times, part of it is outsourced to bring in variety to the table. Different people bring different ideas and ways to produce the advertisement.

  3. Screen-Play: This is important after making the script and assembling the team, a screen-writer would create the screen-play with the director and the rest of the team will be assigned task by the director. If there are actors to participate in the shooting, then they are carefully explained their roles, dialogues and acts. Once everyone clearly understand their responsibilities and when to do what, it all moves to the action; shooting.

  4. Shooting: The director directs, actors act, photographer and videographer take the shots as directed. This can be a day long work or could take few weeks, depending on various elements of the script. If it is outdoor shooting then weather is a huge factor, if it is indoor shooting then the set is of importance. Whatever the case maybe, unless the director is not satisfied with the shots, the retakes does happen. But once the entire shooting is complete, the shooting crew moves out and the shot material is delivered to the office for editing.

  5. Editing: This is where the commercial ads production takes the near final shape. In accordance to the script and screenplay, the video or photo editor makes the entire advertisement. Graphic designer’s help is sought to put in the designs and visual effects as well as the brand in visible but not imposing sight. The raw material from the shooting is polished and arranged in a much precise manner. Most part of the shooting is chipped our and only what is required is brought together. Once, it is done, a copy is sent ahead to the client for review.

  6. Approvals: It seldom happens that the first copy that is laid out well by the editing team is approved by the client. The client will definitely tell that there is something missing and send it bac for further editing. It is a bit stressful stage of production but not a lengthy one since the sooner the editing team meets the demand of the client, the quicker approval comes.

And finally the advertisement is ready to be launched by the client’s company after it is thoroughly checked one last time by tvc advertising.

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