Poetry is all about creating an image in minimum words. Poets know the art of explaining everything in a few lines. This is the specialty of a good poet. The written expression needs checking, editing, and revision. Likewise, poetry also needs these tools. Every poet should carefully edit his/her poem to make the theme clear enough to understand.
Writers and poets, especially the young ones, are very enthusiastic. They want everyone to love their writings. For winning the hearts of their audience they need to develop their expression, enhance the sentence structure, should have impressive vocab, and so on.
This article is all about the life of a dying poet. Do not lose hope. All you need is careful revision. Furthermore, you must learn some techniques and tips that will help you to a great extent to make your writing impressive. Here, in this article, we have shortlisted some important editing techniques that will help you to make your writing piece a masterpiece.
Do not rush
Some people think that every verse needs editing right after writing it. But the good way is when you have finished your first draft of a poem then you should revise it carefully for editing. When to edit the freshly written poem? This is the most important question. Do not rush. Take some time, even take some days. Because you need fresh eyes and a fresh mind to edit the poem. Look at your poem from the writer’s as well as from the audiences’ point of view. This will help you to understand the poem from the subjective and objective aspects.
Review complete poem
There are different revision strategies. Of all those important ways, reviewing the whole poem is the most important. Read the poem thoroughly. Then write down the important points about the verses that need amendments, addition, deletion, and so on. Jot down every detail which comes to your mind. Edit the poem after revising it. Then read it aloud and know its essence on your ears and mind’s eyes.
Scan each line
After revising the whole poem now give attention to each verse step by step. Look for consistency in each line. Find the link among different lines. Your poem should be coherent.
Start and end
The start and the end of any poem is the most important part. These verses decide whether your writing is effective from the very beginning till the end. These are the areas where the most powerful writings should be done. The impressive start will make a mood for the reader. While the powerful lines at the end of the poem will leave a long-lasting impression and the reader will want to read it again and again.
Select effective words
The choice of words is very important. As everyone knows, poetry is all about conveying big meanings in a few words. But each word has a big role in conveying the actual picture. Take care of rhythm, rhyme, structure, and theme via selecting appropriate words. For this purpose, your word bank or vocab must be vast and versatile enough.
Techniques and devices for developing expression
Poetry is all about developing expression. To develop an amazing and effective expression, you need to apply different techniques of making lines and verses. Try to make each line with a different technique in such a way that it automatically enhances the essence of the previous one. Despite using various techniques, there should be coherence and link in all the lines. To attain flawless expression, you must do the practice. Write as much as you. This will help you acquire a natural expression that will be only yours. The important tip about the arts is that you have to play with different colors. Similarly, for poetry, play around with words, techniques, and structure of the lines, and then see the magic.
Testing of line breaks
This point is very crucial. You must look at the end and the beginning of each line. You should know clearly how you want to break the previous and start the next like. There must be a connection, link, similarity, and contrast between every two lines. To achieve the goal, test the line breaking so that you will become able to understand the connection between the two lines. This coherence is very important to strengthen the image you want to create in the mind of your reader. This will also be useful to maintain a certain type of rhythm in your writing. If a line is not matching the rhythm then try different line breaking words. This will help you to write a poem in a specific genre.
Finishing touch
You have to make many drafts. After a lot of hard work and concentration, you will become able to form a final draft which shows your hard work, determination, satisfaction, and love. Keep making changes till you make such a draft which tells you by itself that this is the perfect one. Proofread this final piece and go for publishing it into your desired journal.
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