Securing a loan from the bank or any other lender can be frustrating. In this, an individual will receive the loan if his/her credit score as well as the income are in line with the standards of the lender. As such, the concept of hard money loans is gaining momentum as more and more people quickly understand that it is an easier way of securing aloan.Simply put, hard money is money that is obtained directly, and at a faster rate, from investors.
LBC capital tops the chart of Los Angeles hard money lenders. The organization’s objective is to ensure that every deal is completed through a collaborative, compliant and complete process. As such, it ensures that the client is given the highest priority during service delivery. Moreover, the organization is evolving with the evolving industry which, in turn, makes the hard money loan process very simple and easy to comprehend. In essence, LBC capital offers California hard money loans to a diversified client base which includes investors, developers and even novice borrowers.
Being one of the hard money lenders Los Angeles, LBC capital is managed by a team that is well conversant with the needs of various industries. As such, some of the hard money loans offered include the fix and flip, commercial, land and construction. To begin with, the commercial hard money loan is offered to individuals who wish to venture into business or the purchase of commercial property. Obtaining such a loan from other lenders, especially banks, is very challenging regardless of the income history. Banks will demand a proper repayment plan, a good credit score and a good debt to income ratio. However, LBC capital offers these loans with almost no restrictions and moreover, the processing time may be as little as 15 days. Nevertheless, individuals with credit scores above 600 are in a in a better repayment position because of favorable interest rates
On the other hand, land hard money loans are offered to those who wish to purchase land. The only requirement for this loan is a secured collateral. Nevertheless, the loan can be preprocessed which means that an individual can obtain the loan on the same day of application. The normal processing time for this loan, however, is 15 days.
LBC is among the top hard money lenders California and as such, offers hard money loans for construction purposes. These loans are offered for the construction of houses, particularly in the real estate sector. However, credit scores of over 640 ensures that an individual is in a better negotiation position.
Finally, the fix and flip loans are offered to those who wish to purchase as well as renovate other properties. Nevertheless, the loans are usually granted with the security of real estate properties. The flipper usually obtains the loan directly from investors in the real estate and as such, it can also be called a private loan. Nevertheless, credits scores above 640 usually result into very high limits of borrowing and lower interest rates.
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