How to take care of Tortoises as Pets

How to take care of Tortoises as Pets

Tortoises are fascinating pets, and they have been on the planet over 200 million years. By keeping them in your farm or garden you will learn more about its conservation and welfare. They are not particularly easy or low-maintenance animals to keep outside of their natural and climatic habitats. They are fun loving and cute as pets. Many people keep them at home, but a few know how to. Tortoises that are brought by the inexperienced keepers suffer avoidable health problems and premature mortality due to inadequate housing and diet. Let's learn a few tips about tortoise's housing:


Mediterranean tortoise requires indoor as well as outdoor housing facilities. You can't rely on indoor facility solely. As turtle needs far more space than the reptiles, and can't live well if kept in a limited space that's why requires large space on the ground. If you can't offer proper housing to your tortoise then rethink to have them as your pet. Inadequate housing is inhumane as well as creates health problems.

Outdoor housing

Tortoises need a dry as well as a well-drained area to survive well. They also need the outdoor area covered with shade and sunlight both. If turtles are kept in a heavy wet soil or on damp grass are likely to suffer from shell infection or respiratory issues over the time. You also need to look for safety and security concerns like safety from predator's attacks like rats, birds, dogs, cats, etc.

Indoor housing

Indoor housing will be required from time to time even in summer season because outdoor habitats should be used according to the demand of weather. Improper indoor housing causes ill health in the tortoises and many disorders in the juveniles. Because, if temperature ranges and ventilation are inadequate in the living space than it can create several health issues in tortoises. The stress level in such tortoises is high, and they become lethargic.

When you plan for better housing then you must consider these points:

  • You should provide the largest space more than the traditional vivaria. It is essential for the tortoises to exercise as it is for humans. Practicing exercise reduces the risk of bone and respiratory issues.
  • Provide proper heat and ventilation and allow for adequate gradients to permit natural thermo-regulation. Light and heat allow all the tortoises to enjoy a healthy lifespan and to maintain good health.

You can provide an indoor enclosure with simple tools and materials using DIY skills and have fun with your cute tortoise.

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