Are you nervous about starting university? You are definitely not the only person. While the university allows you to meet different people and opens the door to a plethora of opportunities, it is really easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated by university life. It can be particularly challenging for people who just passed out of high school. However, the years you spend at the university are probably going to be the best few years of your life and they will pass by quickly. Therefore, it is crucial to get as much out of your university years as possible. If you are a freshman starting your first year, here are some tips that can help you make it through the first year of university as you accomplish both your academic and personal goals:
1.Become familiar with the campus:
If your university campus is huge, it may take some time for you to adjust and get accustomed to it. Start exploring with the central buildings where your classes take places, computer labs, the library, and of course, the cafeteria. Once you begin exploring, you will come across everything from study labs and gyms to exhibition spaces and theatres. If there is any map available on the university’s website, make sure to refer to it.
2.Spend your spare time smartly:
You will probably only spend a maximum of 12 hours on the campus every week. This means you have ample time to meet friends, work and sleep. However, it is crucial to allocate some time for studying as well. If there are breaks between your classes, you can use that time to complete any assignments. Have an entire day in a week that is free? Consider looking for an internship to build up your work experience.
3.Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you really need it:
Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. Whether you need to the basics of academic referencing, assistance on how to change a subject or explanation on how to go about attempting an assignment, refer to your peers, tutors, lecturers, classmates and any other support staff for help. You can also take help from an essay writing service if you are struggling with an assignment or do not have the time to accomplish it before the deadline. Moreover, most university campuses have a support office where services like academic assistance, financial advice and counseling are offered to students.
4.Maintain a budget
If you socialize a lot, you probably have a lot of additional expenses. Therefore, it is crucial to maintaining a budget so your pockets do not end up running dry. Save money by doing little things such as bringing lunch from home instead of buying it from the campus cafeteria and swapping different activities with cheaper alternatives. A lot of places also offer student discounts so do not forget to keep your student card with you while shopping.
5.Take benefit of freebies:
While the happy hour and discounts can help university students maintain a budget, they are also entitled to a lot freebies. Some of them include free entry to certain galleries and museums (you can check their website to confirm), food and local music festivals, as well as food deals.
6.Maintain a good health:
If your schedule is very hectic and you work irregular hours and sleep late, it may get hard for you to maintain a good physical, as well as mental health. You can still stay healthy be eating well and making sure you consume a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is also crucial to maintain a regular exercise schedule. If you are finding it hard to do so, it would be a good time to join the gym on campus.
7.Make a conscious effort to socialize and become friends with your classmates:
If you have picked a popular course at a local campus, you are likely to come across several familiar faces. But regardless of whether you are in the university with an old friend or alone, finding the new friend is an important aspect of entering university life. Who knows, maybe you will form long-lasting bonds with someone. Don’t hesitate to start a conversation with someone in your class and catching up with them after the lecture.
8.Attend all the events and join student clubs:
Talking about socializing, fully immersing yourself in the campus life is one of the best ways to adjust, make friends as well as improve your resume. Find activities related to the course you are studying. For instance, if you are aiming to become a journalist, writing for the university magazine.
9.Balance your social life, work commitments along with studies:
If you are trying to maintain work, social life and studies at the same time, you may experience a burn out due to all the stress. Studying should always be your top priority- make sure you are leaving out enough time to attend all the classes, complete readings and finish assignments. Your working hours per week should not be more than 20 (though you may be able to increase that number during holidays). And always remember, do not let your social life get in the way of your studies.
10.Utilize mobile apps to your advantage:
If you always have access to a tablet or a phone, you can use them to stay on track. You can download time management apps that help you create a timetable and study. Even apps that allow you to record lectures, edit documents on mobile, save files and scan notes can come in handy. Some apps even allow you to plan a budget, which is really crucial for university students.
Lastly, avoid being too critical of yourself. University is very stressful and it may take some time to get accustomed to the pressure. Don’t forget to give yourself a break and enjoy this time while it lasts.
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