How to Maintain a Large HVAC System

How to Maintain a Large HVAC System

Commercial HVAC systems for large buildings can become very expensive to maintain once the equipment wears out at the overall efficiency drops significantly. Since complete replacements are also exorbitant, the best way to save on heating and cooling is to preserve the system in good shape for as long as possible. To help you out, we’ve put together a series of steps you can take to prolong the useful life of your HVAC unit(s).

Use Better Insulation

At present, insulation is the best way to keep warm or cool air from escaping a building. The longer you can preserve treated air, the less strain you put on your HVAC system, which is not required to run as often in order to maintain the desired temperature.

Even if your building is already insulated, you might be able to order an upgrade for better materials, as well as correct certain insulation weak spots. The best way to detect the latter is to hire an energy audit professional who can point out the most advantageous improvements.

Change the Air Filters

While this task should be covered by the HVAC technicians who regularly perform maintenance on your building, some filters must be replaced more than twice per year. A dirty filter puts additional strain on your HVAC equipment and can lead to unnecessary wear and tear.

In addition, dirty filters can become dangerous for people working inside a building. Given enough time, allergens and pollutants trapped in these filters can reach unhealthy levels and even make employees feel sick.

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

HVAC technology is constantly changing for the better and new thermostats make no exception. Also referred to as “smart thermostats”, these devices can help you program your HVAC unit from any distance, using a tablet or phone.

You can also use a smart thermostat to take measurements and determine a series of HVAC habits and program the system in such a way as to use minimum resources while keeping inhabitants or employees comfortable.

Consider the “Auto” Fan Setting

The majority of HVAC units feature two fan settings. While on “Auto”, the fans only work when the system must heat or cool the air inside a building. When set to “On”, on the other hand, the fans run at all times, which can help keep the air cleaner but is also significantly more costly.

Unless some of the inhabitants or employees in your building are dealing with respiratory allergies, the “Auto” fan setting is a good way to put less strain on the system and prolong its lifespan.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

In addition to cleaning the filters, HVAC technicians must maintain the dampers, ductwork, coils, and other components in order to ensure the health of the entire system. While filters are fairly easy to change, other aspects of HVAC maintenance and repair should only be handled by trained professionals.

To keep your system running smoothly, it’s best to schedule two inspections per year, preferably before the heating and cooling seasons. Whether you’re looking for repairs, an upgrade, or a simple routine check-up, Grey Man Engineering and our team of experienced technicians is at your disposal.

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