If you have reached the stage of dissertation writing then you are at the point of clearly making a significant impact in your educational journey. For many post graduate students dissertation writing is thought of as a challenging task which they almost fear to attempt at times. Students get accustomed with writing essays, reports, simple research papers or presentations when they are in their undergraduate study stage. Only some extraordinary students are able to work on large research papers and dissertation proposal, perform detailed exploration, present findings supported by scholarly articles spread over hundreds of pages. Dissertation writing is hence regarded as an entirely new piece of work which requires significant amount of writing expertise and skill from the writer.

This article will help you to explore your skills and utilize them in performing a thorough research in your selected area or discipline. Once you have identified the direction then you will be able to add an original work to scientific and academic community. If you find any difficulty in formulating your dissertation writing according to your instructor’s requirements in an effective manner then it is time that you spend some time in refining your skills. First try to ask for help from your dissertation mentor or supervisor if they can provide you with some tutoring classes. Still after having few classes you feel a little lost and unable to resolve practical problem pertaining to dissertation area and topic then it is time to ask for professional help. Yes they are expensive at times but they prove to be extremely beneficial for you as they possess practical knowledge of the subject area, expertise in language and full grasp over the subject.

Select Theme, Formulate Thesis Question and Title

The first thing which you need to identify is the problem area of the research, once it is identified then it is time to inquire whether is this the right problem area for the scientific and research community. For making this point clear it is essential that you should utilize every possible resource available to you such as attending workshops, reading new research articles from scholarly journals or periodicals, online research etc. Next it is time to formulate the thesis question which is must sound realistic and sound. Propose a unique title which do not appear too complex in the end, meanwhile discuss few alternative title ideas with your mentor too.

Structure of the Dissertation Proposal

If you are planning to write a dissertation yourself then you should know that complete structure should be clear and easy to follow for the reader. Here are some of the important points for creating the dissertation structure:

  • Dissertation Title: The topic defined must be unique and should catch readers’ mind.

  • Introduction: This is the first chapter which include a detailed problem background which will be followed by the research question. In this way a clarity of research will be attained. Next it will be followed by Aims and Objectives of the research.

  • Literature Review: This is usually the second chapter of the dissertation which will provide valid research and authentic evidences to acknowledge the research process. The writer has to review scholarly articles, published research journals, online websites, portal etc. to research thoroughly on your chosen area.

  • Research Methodology: This is the third chapter of research methodology which is focused on identifying the procedure which can either be qualitative or quantitative in nature. For qualitative dissertation you have to initiate with research question, identification of research participants, data collection and in the end data analysis. While on the other if you are working on quantitative dissertation then you have to first formulate hypothesis and collect information through sampling, population identification, instrumentation, data collection and data analysis.

  • Potential Findings: This is another significant stage in the process of dissertation writing as it will restate your research question through the results collected from your study.

  • Conclusion: This will be the final chapter of the dissertation in which you will be required to summarize the study and present findings in a concise manner along with recommendations.

  • Project Timeline: Here you will be required to create a schedule that can explain how you will be managing the various stages of the dissertation in defined time period.

  • Reference List: This section will include bibliography in which all sources utilized during the paper must be mentioned along with proper in text citation in the dissertation.

Edit and Proof-Read

This is also another significant part of the dissertation in which you should not relax and just sit, once you are finished with dissertation writing leave it and wait for one or two days to come back to it. Next remember the difference between editing and proofreading. Proofreading is done to check the format of the paper while editing is performed to review whether content of the paper is according to the requirements or not. Pay special attention to the logical connection between each section and argument. Remove all grammar and spelling mistakes along with any style errors you have noticed in the paper.


Dissertation writing is our specialty and we have shaped up a squad of expert academic writers who can provide you with quality level of work. Dissertation writing could be a worse part of any students life, it is likely to interfere in your personal and social life and may affect almost everything around you, the things discussed above will provide you an outline and overview of some simple steps which you can follow to make your dissertation proposal sound and unique.

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