Freshwater Fishes You Must Have in Your Home Aquarium

Freshwater Fishes You Must Have in Your Home Aquarium

So, you are interested in keeping fishes at your home. Firstly, let you know about the freshwater fishes which can live easily in your home aquarium, they are good for beginners as well as advanced fish keepers.

Things makes a fish beginner friendly:

The first thing to keep in mind is that every fish is different, you can't throw a bulk of fish together in the tank, can't feed them multiple times in a day. There are many such kinds of things for the beginners. While a selection of the fishes they must fulfill certain following requirements.

They are hardy and can endure more tragic conditions:

As we know, you will treat your fish best, as they can be a treat. But while choosing the first time, choose the fish which can survive in less than optimal condition and won't be threatened by changed water parameters.

Easy to care

If you are a beginner, don't choose fish which needs constant care.

Choose peaceful fish and get on with other fish

Different fish have different aggression level while some fishes live peacefully with others and some won't. be careful while selecting the fishes, so they can live peacefully together.

Fit in tank

While filling the aquarium, be concerned about the species growth. Knowing the aquarium size is essential when populating it with fishes.

Freshwater species

Here we are listing down some species which are easy to handle for the beginners as well as good for the advanced fish keepers. So, let's be familiar with them:

Neon tetra

They are tropical fresh cool water fish, colorful, small in size, easy to care and use full space of the tank. These fishes live happily in the group. As bigger the group as happier, they will be.


They are community fish, lives peacefully and available in several colors. They will eat any fleet as well as frozen live foods.

Kuhli loach

Originated from southeast Asia, it is eel-like fish. Because of its size, adaptability to water parameters, and peaceful behavior makes it perfect to take place in a listing.

Cherry barb

They can adapt changes in water parameters, friendly and can grow 2 inches in is on the list of most endangered species of fish. Once they adapt the surrounding they are very active and fun in watching.

Tiger pleco

A peaceful, freshwater fish originating from South America, they spend most of the time in the bottom of the tank. They are territorial in nature if you fill more than one in the tank then fill the bottom of the tank with stone and wood planks so they can find a place to call their own.

Except for these species, you can have Cory Catfish, Mollies, Sword Tails Fishes, Betta, Pearl Gourami and much more in your home aquarium.

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