Whether you are a professional or recreational shooter, you will need to keep many things in mind when looking for your next rifle build. First and foremost, you will want to make sure you identify the model that’s right for you. Once you do this, you’ll want to pay close attention to the gun’s many details. Having a careful and clear understanding of the way your gun works, with all its intricate pieces, is essential. In order to use your gun safely, you must have awareness and familiarity with the gun and its particular quirks.
If you're in the market for a new Savage 10, but you don't like the default chassis, there is good news: the professionals at Kinetic Research Group (KRG) have developed a Savage 10 Chassis that is as innovative as it is attractive. KRG is a leading gun manufacturer that can help you find the rifle accessories that are right for you. Check out the chassis that could be the perfect fit:
180-Alpha Chassis
With an extremely competitive price of just $768.00, the 180-Alpha Chassis is another great component choice. The 180-Alpha is another KRG model that incorporates the popular and functional features of previous chassis models. This model accepts AICS magazines and also maintains the popular and essential ergonomic qualities of previous models. Like the vast majority of KRG rifle components, the 180-Alpha Chassis comes complete with many accessories that will drastically improve the functionality and accessibility of this rifle. With the accessories that KRG makes available, you will definitely be able to outfit your rifle to feel as personal and comfortable as possible. This model also includes the popular V-bedding system, built right into the aluminum backbone of the chassis.
No matter what type of shooting you’re doing, accuracy, comfort, and mobility are all important factors. Not every manufacturer’s out-of-box chassis is going to synergize with your personal style or the ergonomic needs of your body; the 180-Alpha is not only designed with flexibility and comfort in mind but also allows for considerably easier further modifications. For example, if you’re a fan of nighttime hunting or tactical shooting, the 180-Alpha comes ready for night vision mounting. It is also worth noting that the hard-anodized aluminum parts ensure top-tier heat management and protection.
Possibly the most impressive features of the 180-Alpha Savage 10 chassis is its incredibly low weight. One of only a handful of models available on the market that weighs less than 4 lbs., the 180-Alpha weighs in at just 3.5 lbs. This lightweight design ensures that you aren’t overburdened when carrying and can quickly adjust aim without the lag that comes with heavyweight chassis builds.
With everything that you have to consider when purchasing a new rifle, it is clear that Kinetic Research Group is your one-stop shop for expert information and quality parts. Investing in a firearm is no small task, and you deserve the best. If you are a professional or recreational shooter, you can count on the advice and experience of the professionals at KRG. The folks at KRG are committed to helping you find the rifle that is right for you and are, of course, available to help outfit all of your personal shooting needs. Even if you’re just starting out on the road to firearm customization, the Savage 10 chassis model might be the right choice for you, especially because of how easy it is to swap out and upgrade accessories and add-ons. For more information on all the models that are compatible with the Savage 10 chassis, visit KRG’s website today!
For more information about Tikka T3 Stock and Aics Chassis Please visit : Kineticresearchgroup.
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