If you’re planning on adopting another lovely fur baby, or even thinking of sending your dog to a pet boarding at Edmonton, the first thing that comes to your mind is whether your dog will fit in.
When it comes to pet parents who are new to the whole prospect of owning a dog, there’s always that doubt about whether or not small breeds and large breeds of dogs play and get along well, without any mess or potential threat.
The Basics
If you’re thinking of buying a new dog breed, make sure your existing pup has a clean history when it comes to adjusting with other animals. Some large breeds do have a problem of aggression, which makes them unfit to live with any other pup in the house.
When it comes to smaller breeds, they don’t usually have a problem with the adjustment and can live with a big doggy with a great socialization speed.
Things to Remember
If you’re thinking of stepping forth in order to get another little canine into your family, these are a few things you must keep in mind:
• The temperament:
Make sure you do a thorough research about your already owned pup as well as the one you have in mind. Gaining an insight into both their temperaments will help you know a lot more about how they adjust with other breeds.
• The training:
If you don’t know how your dog will be around the newcomer canine, start by sending him to a pet boarding facility in Edmonton, where he can socialize with the other dogs. This will help you understand whether your pup gets along well with the other dogs and help you slowly introduce him to the prospect of being with other breeds.
• The age:
It’s best to adopt another pup when your previous one is still small. This helps then get used to each other since they are in their formative years and can learn to get along from the very beginning.
• The rivalry:
Just like children, the sibling rivalry or inferiority complex can kick in if your first dog feels left out after the entrance of the other one. Make sure you handle both the pups well and give them equal amount of attention, so that there are no hard feelings there.
• The monitoring:
The first few days of bringing in a new pet member are crucial. You must always stay vigilant about the two, especially when they’re together, just to make sure none of them get hurt and that there’s no mishandling. Never be partial towards any dog or puppy. The little one can be more aggressive than the large breed, most of the times. To make sure that there’s no bullying going on, always supervise your furry pets.
So go ahead, don’t shy away from the prospect of fostering another lovable pet at home. Just follow these few steps to make sure that size doesn’t really come in the way of a strong bond between your two pets!
For more information about Dog Daycare Edmonton and Pet Boarding Near Me Please visit : Club Mead Pet Resort.
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