Causes and Treatment of Gingivitis

Causes and Treatment of Gingivitis

Are your gums red, tender or swollen? Are they bright red or purple? Do they bleed when you brush or floss? More so, do you experience loose or sensitive teeth? All this indicates you have gingivitis – a common gum problem which, if not treated, can eventually lead to tooth decay. It’s a problem caused by the accumulation of plaque and bacteria on teeth or around gums. There will be no signs or symptoms in the early stages of the problem and in fact, mild cases of gingivitis have no pain or discomfort at all, so people often believe their gums are healthy and fine.

In simple term, gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum or gingiva which occurs when a film of plaque or bacteria starts accumulating on or around the teeth or gums. If not treated timely, it can lead to periodontitis which is a major reason behind tooth decay or tooth loss. When you have gingivitis, your gums will be tender, and even a bit painful to the touch. Bad breath will be there which won’t go away no matter how many times you brush the teeth. Soft and receding gums are some of other major symptoms of this otherwise non-destructive problem.

Further, good oral care can help resolve gingivitis so you should brush and floss as advised by the dentist to keep your gums free of any disease. Your dentist may also advise you to use a mouthwash, eat a nutrient-rich diet, stay away from smoking or don’t chew tobacco products to avoid this gum problem. With plaque, tartar and bacteria being the major reason behind gingivitis, it makes sense to start giving more attention to oral care routine and treat the problem at the earliest. In some cases however, changes in hormones may also raise the risk of inflammation of the gum.

More so, people who have diabetes or those suffering from HIV or cancer are at greater risk to gingivitis. In the same way, using any drug or medicine that reduces the flow of saliva in mouth can eventually lead to gum inflammation in the long run. Age is also a factor in increasing the risk of gingivitis as old people are more prone to this problem than adults. The treatment is easy provided the diagnosis is timely. After diagnosis, patients need a professional care and they will also need to follow some procedures at home to get rid of the problem.

The professional or dentist will first go about removing the plaque and tartar before asking you to visit them for regular cleanings. Even the best dentist in Manhattan can’t treat gingivitis alone unless patients show resolve and start taking oral care and following due procedures at home. There will be need to brush twice a day, floss daily, clean the tongue each day and eat judiciously. After that, regular meetings with the dentist can help devise a right treatment plan and help you get rid of the gum problem. Only then can you smile confidently and live a quality life.

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