Buying wholesale at the best price from a trusted provider is critical to your e-cig business. Unfortunately, far too many companies choose to pawn off replicas for name-brand products, which is something Joyetech has been fighting for years. The best option is to ensure you are working with a trusted Joyetech Wholesale provider before making your first purchase.
Who is Joyetech?
Joyetech is an e-cig company that started in 2007. Being one of the first big names in the vaping industry, Joyetech set the standard and continues to research and innovate, releasing high-quality vaporizers, box mods, and liquid pod systems.
Joyetech is based out of Shenzhen, China, so, if you’re looking for the best Joyetech wholesale opportunities, you are going to have to choose a company local to the United States to keep costs low and decrease the time from order to delivery.
Why Buy Joyetech?
Ten years ago, if someone wanted to quit smoking, the popular options included nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and prescription medications. But, none of these options addressed the habitual quality of smoking. The hand to mouth action is what consumers were missing. That’s where e-cigs and vaping came into play.
Today, e-cig companies offer alternatives that do address this issue, and Joyetech is one of the more popular options. So, if you are on the path to start your own vape shop or want to expand your inventory, Joyetech is not an option, but a requirement.
The Joyetech name is trusted, and you hope your business will earn or has earned that same trust, but what about your wholesaler? How do you know when a wholesaler has the success of your business in mind?
Things to Consider When Choosing Your Provider
If running a vape shop were easy, everyone would be doing it. You have put your time, money, and passion into your business and you deserve the same dedication from your Joyetech provider.
Are the Joyetech products authentic? - Joyetech is diligent about ensuring customers are being sold authentic hardware across the world. They have dedicated an entire section of the official website to reporting companies selling Joyetech copycats. All authentic hardware has the company trademark and logo. Businesses also require authorization from Joyetech before selling the products.
Does the provider offer dedicated accounts for wholesale clients? - If a vaping company is trying to sell products at wholesale quantities and prices, there should always be a dedicated login for wholesale buyers. This gives the buyer access to options unique to the commercial business.
Does the provider specialize in wholesale? - There is a big difference between working with businesses filling inventory and working with consumers buying vaping supplies. Companies that specialize in wholesale, like Kingdom Vapor, are accustomed to negotiating prices, handling large orders, and addressing the unique customer service needs of the wholesale client.
Does the company have your best interests and successes in mind? - It takes only seconds to search for a vaping wholesale company online and just a few minutes more to make a purchase, but step back for one second. Wholesale providers with your business in mind will not only offer the best products, but also advice on how to make the most of your e-cig business, how to choose the best hardware and more.
At Kingdom Vapor, the mindset is to offer the best products at the best prices, including Joyetech wholesale purchases. Whether going into business for yourself or replenishing stock at your established shop, trust is something Kingdom Vapor has already earned from consumers. They specialize in wholesale, offer authentic Joyetech hardware, and offer advice on how to kick your vaping business into overdrive. So, visit them online at, today!
For more information about Smok Wholesale and Vapor Juice Wholesale Please visit : Kingdom Vapor.
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