Why Your Employees Fail in Real-World Application of Online Training Teachings?

Why Your Employees Fail in Real-World Application of Online Training Teachings?

People take online training as its purpose is to make them perfect for their job. However, there are still many workers who have taken many years of online training, but fail to put their skills into action in the workplace. The following are some of the top reasons that show why employees are not successful in applying online training teaching into practice.

  • The Learner Should Be The Center Of Your Online Training Course

Prior to designing a course that you will publish online, it is significant to know why you are designing it and for whom? You should know the end result of your preparations, designing, and implementation of the course. This is because your objectives will impact the way you develop your online training course.

Most of the time, trainers concentrate on sharing the information, but they are not aware that how their corporate learners will apply it in professional lives. Therefore, corporate learners should be the center of your e-learning course. This is the only way to structure a program that will make sense to them. Here is an example:

If you write down the faulty equipment’s disadvantages and dangers, this will only show off your memory. Your training members are more interested to learn to troubleshoot. Just knowing what could go wrong while using malfunctioned machinery is not sufficient. They are taking the course to learn strategies to identify and then repair those imperfections in a practical context.

You should give them a chance to select online training activities that are according to their needs and preferences, such as customized micro-learning libraries, eLearning course catalogs, and online training paths are some of the options that allow them to seek knowledge on their own.

  • Lack of Explanation

Some of the online training courses comprise a long list of commandments that the trainee is required to follow. The information is not enough as there is no explanation that why these rules have been imposed and what will happen in case these rules are not followed.

The solution is that you need to go into the background for the promotion of real-world applications in online training. State the reasons behind the creation of those commandments. Explain what are the consequences if you don’t follow them? Who designed them? You can teach them these lessons via real-world scenarios, online training simulations, and case studies.

  • No Proper Structuring Of Knowledge

Synthesis is the foundation of knowledge structuring. This skill teaches you the ways to make links between seemingly unrelated things and how to investigate theoretical principles. This is an important career skill that is mandatory to learn. Though some people have it intrinsically. However, it can be learned just like any other skill. Crosswords, games of connecting ‘word and image’ is a light way to provide training for this skill.

For trainees, this will look like a study break, but in reality, they will learn something imperative. As soon as workers get accustomed to these games of association, you can apply the same rule to more corporate samples. For example, flow charts and mind maps.

  • Demonstrations Are Not Available

Contextual scenarios and case studies are a part of the training course. But with these tools, you will throw your trainees in deep water, without telling them what they should do next. This is because there is no teacher that can demonstrate to them what to do in an online training course. Therefore, along with case studies, give them some practical examples in the form of live webinars or demonstrative videos, and this will allow them to participate actively.

  • There Is An Absence Of Hands-On Activities In Online Training

When you try to convey real-world examples in online training, experience helps a lot in this regard. Usually, workers learn from their mistakes. This prevents them to repeat those mistakes in their organization.

Experiential knowledge is built through hands-on activities, such as serious games, branching scenarios, and online training simulations. In this way, trainees can put their skills into practice to overcome on the job issues, handle customer service problems and solve issues. Moreover, it becomes easier for them to boost their performance.

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