All You Need to Know About Peg Teeth

All You Need to Know About Peg Teeth

“Peg teeth” – the term may seem to be a little unfamiliar to you but it is nothing but the small pointy teeth on either side of the front teeth. According to the Long Island cosmetic dentist, this condition is caused when the adult teeth do not develop as expected or at all. In many cases, it can also be a baby tooth that was never replaced by a permanent tooth. In fact, it can also be said to be hereditary where the tooth is pointy and cone-shaped.

Now the question arises whether you need to be worried when you possess peg teeth or not. The good news is that the peg teeth, usually, don’t cause any oral health problems such as shifting of the position of the teeth or a misaligned bite.

Occasionally, however, if the peg tooth or the adjacent teeth become sensitive or painful or if your gums get sore, then it is better that you check with the dentist. But mostly, peg tooth is an issue of appearance.

On the basis of the shape and size of the tooth, dentists can use porcelain veneers, composite resins and dental crown for revamping your smile.

  • Porcelain Veneers – These are super thin coverings that are affixed to the front surface of your teeth. It is much more a permanent solution and a more complicated one than that of bonding. Though some dentists can compose veneers right in the office it is usually made in the dental lab. The veneer covers the teeth which creates the appearance of a normal-sized tooth. Veneers tend to be pretty resilient but they can chip and fall off very easily if the tooth that is underlying is very small, is damaged or suffers from decay.

  • Composite Resins – Resins is also called dental bonding at times. This is a tooth-coloured composite material made of glass and plastic resin that the dentist applies to the peg teeth and builds up until it matches the size of your other teeth. The composite is nothing but a liquid that your dentist applies on the broken tooth and then it is hardened with a curing light. The bonding material is durable but it can chip off over time. Several layers of this liquid are applied in order to offer the right shape and translucency to the teeth. Local anaesthesia is not required, in this case, as the process is painless. You should follow the dentist’s post-treatment care instructions to keep your bonded teeth healthy and intact.

  • Crowns – These are much more complex than veneers or resins. A crown will cover the maximum portion or the entire peg tooth. Your tooth is reshaped so that the cap fits properly and local anaesthesia is required for this. Post preparation of your tooth, a model of your bite has to be made by the dentist and sent to the lab where your crown is being made. Till your final crown is made a temporary crown will be provided to you. Dental crowns are strong and exist life-long. These are resilient and can last for years.

The above are some of the cosmetic treatments which are part of the aesthetic dentistry domain. You should see your dentist if you want to avail any of the above treatments to gain a smile that you can flaunt wherever you want.

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