Advanced Guide for Freshers to set up a Web Application

Advanced Guide for Freshers to set up a Web Application

A web application is a highly interactive computer program that stores and manages important data. It is usually developed with web technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JS. A web application is employed either by a single individual or a team to accomplish the tasks over the web. To host your web application, it is generally recommended to use dedicated server hosting. And if you want to set up a web application by yourself, follow the below-given step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Choose an Idea for Web Application and Do Market Research

You should initially comprehend what you plan to set up and most significantly the reason behind it. Your idea must be able to solve some common issues faced by your target audience. It is vital to pick an idea that intrigues you. After selecting an idea, it is essential to investigate the market to observe:

  • If a comparable product is available
  • If a relevant market exists

To rapidly see whether a relevant web application exists or not, you can simply utilize the below-given tools:

  • Google
  • Product hunt
  • Patent and trademark search
  • Betalist

Step 2: Define Your Web Application’s Practicality

Now make a list of all the functions that your web application will perform. A very commonly observed mistake at this step is that the individuals become diverted and add a lot of functions. Consequently, it will require more time and effort to set up your web application. Usually the more time a web application takes to set up, the more hindrance you will encounter. Therefore, try to define only those functions which belong to the issues faced by your target audience.

Step 3: Make a Draft of Your Web Application

At this step, you must have a clear image of your web application, your clients, and the functions it will perform. Make a draft of your web application user interface. While drafting, think about the following components:

  • Navigation
  • Branding
  • Forms
  • Buttons

Make drafts of various forms of your web application. Moreover, think about how your web application's practicality will impact the general layout.

Step 4: Design Your Web Application’s Work Process

Take a list of your competitors that you made during market research and sign up for the free trials. Now quickly look at their products and write the positive and negative points. You must carefully consider their workflow and then write down various workflows for your web application. Moreover, think about how does a user:

  • Signup and login
  • Change their password and settings
  • Navigate through the app
  • Pay for the app
  • Cancel their subscription
  • Receive an email

Now make a list of the various pages your web app will have.

Step 5: Prototyping or Wireframing Your Web App

At this step, it is the time to make a prototype or wireframe of your drafts and the freshly discovered

comprehension of your web application. Prototyping is recommended as it will make it simpler to link your web application when looking for approval. For prototyping or wireframing your web app, here are a few tools to use:

  • Sketch (macOS)
  • Adobe XD (macOS, Windows)
  • InVision Studio (macOs)
  • Balsamiq (macOS, Windows, Web)

Step 6: Look for Early Approval

Now you have a prototype or wireframe that defines your web application visually. So, it is an ideal opportunity for you to show your excellent model to the people. You must begin with a few users. You must visit your target audience’s forums, their work environments, get familiar with their issues, and present your model. Then take their valuable feedback and subsequently use this for the development of your Minimal Excellent Product.

Step 7: Design and Set Up your Database

A database refers to a collection of data. You can store the data either on a disk or on a server, or both. You can create a database by making a folder on your hard drive and store data in it. A Database Management System offers you reliable APIs to:

  • Create, bring up-to-date, and remove databases
  • Read and write the data to databases
  • Safe access to a database

Step 8: Set Up the Frontend and Backend

The frontend refers to the visual component of your web app. It describes what you observe and communicates with. The backend is generally what deals with your information. This includes servers, databases, and everything that clients can't see inside a web app. The frontend is built using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Step 9: Host Your Web App

To run your web application on a specific server, you need web hosting. If you’re utilizing Budibase, this step can be computerized with the hosting. However, you still have to buy a domain. In case you’re not utilizing Budibase for hosting your web application, consider these steps:

  • Buy a domain
  • Buy or Setup an SSL certificate
  • Then choose a cloud supplier (Amazon, MS Azure, and Google Cloud Platform)

Step 10: Install Your Web Application

You have already chosen your idea, approved it, planned, and built up your web application, and picked your host. Now it’s the last step to set up a web application. This step incorporates how your web app gets from your source control on your PC to the cloud hosting. The below-given tools will offer constant integration and assist you in installing web application to your cloud hosting:

  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket
  • Jenkins

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