A Buyer’s Guide To Gutters And Downspouts

A Buyer’s Guide To Gutters And Downspouts

Your gutters and downspouts are the initial line of defense your home has versus water damage. However, even expert homeowners can take them for granted. That’s a dangerous game to play, because having gutters that aren’t right for the home or neglecting them can spell disaster for the home down the road. It’s important for anyone who owns a home or is thinking about buying a home to understand all the varieties of gutters and downspouts, as well as how much maintenance they can expect to give them over the course of their lives. Knowing what type of gutters a home has is an important aspect in determining how much attention they require, which can mean the difference between protecting your home and allowing it to succumb to water damage.

During a minor 1-inch rainfall, the average downspout can direct as many as 12 gallons of water away from a home. Without gutters and downspouts that work as effectively as intended, that water could end up pooled at the base of the house, where it can seep into tiny cracks and spaces in the foundation. That can lead to serious damage in the winter when it freezes and swells. Water that gets in underneath siding can damage timbers and encourage mold and mildew development. Having gutters and downspouts that are suitably cared for can help prevent much of the water damage that can vex homeowners. As a parent, the last thing you want is water damage to your home.

Of course, homeowners should consider having trained professionals clean and examine their gutters on a regular basis, but it’s also important for them to know how the gutters they choose for their homes will stand up to the rigors of protecting them. The shape and materials of gutters and downspouts have their advantages and disadvantages, influencing how often they must be replaced or serviced. For example, although vinyl gutters are easy to install, they don’t stand up to extreme cold and the sun very well. Plus, their flimsier construction makes them unable to hold as much as other types of gutters.

There’s a lot riding on your home’s gutters, so knowing the differences between the types of gutters and downspouts is important for homeowners. The following infographic from Aerotech Gutter Service tells you all you need to know about gutters and downspouts, so review it before making any decisions about your home’s next gutters.

Infographic created by Aerotech Gutter Service

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